The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently warned the public that those taking the drug orlistat for weight loss, marketed under the names of Xenical™ and Alli™, are at risk for serious injury to their liver and severe liver damage.
Xenical™ is only available with a doctor’s prescription; however, Alli™ is sold over-the-counter without a prescription.
Alli is the Subject of Huge National Marketing Campaigns
Alli™ is heavily marketed in this country via both print and television advertising. Millions of dollars have been, are are being, spent to promote Alli™ as a great weight loss tool.
Wynonna Judd was recently named its product spokesperson, and a new campaign was implemented to avoid the reputation Alli™ was receiving for a notorious side-effect: loss of bowel control.
The FDA estimates that 40,000,000 people have taken orlistat as either Xenical™ or Alli™.
The Food and Drug Administration confirms 13 cases of severe liver injury, 12 occurring outside of the U.S. (the single U.S. case involved Alli™). One wonders how many more of those 40 million folk may also be suffering from damaged livers, as yet unreported by the FDA.
Signs of Possible Liver Damage
If you or a loved one is taking Xenical™ or Alli™, then you should watch for the symptoms of liver damage, i.e., itching, yellow eyes, yellow skin, dark urine, loss of appetite, and light-colored stools. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek medical attention for their health care provider.