Traumatic brain injury is a horrible, life-changing event that can happen in the less than a minute. Oftentimes, it takes just that long – the time it takes to snap your fingers — for a schoolyard fall, motorcycle accident, or on the job work injury to permanent damage the victim’s brain. Right now, there’s no real cure for these severe head injuries.
Indiana University School of Medicine Researching New TBI Treatments
However, the good folks at the Center for Neuroimaging at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis are trying to help TBI victims. Right now, IU is recruiting individuals suffering from memory and attention problems related to traumatic brain injury (TBI) to participate in their new research study. The new study will be evaluating the effectiveness of three possible TBI treatments.
Qualifications to Participate in the IU Study
If you or someone you know suffers memory and attention issues due to traumatic brain injury, and they would be interested in taking part in the Indiana University Study, then they should know the following, per the IU news release:
1. They must be between 18 – 60 years old
2. Their brain injury must have occurred between 4 months and 5 years ago
3. Their brain injury must have caused lasting problems with both attention and memory.
Assuming that they meet these three criteria, then:
1. They need to be able to travel to the IUPUI campus for 5 clinic visits scheduled over 7 weeks.
2. Those that participate in the research study are eligible to be paid for their trouble.
More questions? Call Dr. Brenna McDonald at (317) 278-8878 or email her at