Your Rights Concerning Workplace Injuries
Work-related injuries often result in serious, catastrophic injuries or even death. A workplace injury does not necessarily have to have stemmed from an accident to qualify for worker’s compensation, however. The act of positioning a machine or even walking up or down a flight of stairs can cause muscle strains, stress fractures and other injuries that can keep you out of work. Even toiling at administrative jobs can lead to workplace injuries such as eyestrain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and neck or back problems.
Your employer is required to carry worker’s compensation insurance, and you are entitled to the benefits for any injury that occurs in your workplace during the course of your normal work tasks. This insurance covers your medical costs, partial paychecks, and possibly a settlement. You may have another claim beyond a worker’s compensation claim depending upon the facts and circumstances surrounding your work injury so do not delay in contacting the work injury lawyers at Allen Law Group today.